Our Expedition

Addressing the elephants in the waiting room


Healthcare that's not a pain in the gluteus maximus ass

We operate differently.


Our quest is to pioneer a new era of healthcare in Aotearoa. One without a single trace of bullshit. One where patients lead and we follow. One where we listen, learn, and let go of the status quo. We call it healthcare for humans.

We take our own medicine and address the elephants in the waiting room. We aren’t afraid of change.

We create spaces where patients are in control. They know their needs, they call the shots, they choose their path. We’re just here to forge the way.

We go ahead and spot the rockblocks and snags, we hack through the thicket, and we clear the path.

Why? Because we believe everybody should be able to choose health.

Our change making spirit

We Pioneer

To pioneer this new era of healthcare we must be innovative

Scalpel in hand we dissect the systems and structures that exist and reimagine and reshape them with people at the core. We are curious, passionate, and dedicated to delivering health with more care.

We Pave Pathways

Everyone in Aotearoa should be able to access healthcare

No jumping over hurdles, going in circles, or being passed around between practitioners and services like a hot potato. So, we’re going to lead the way, chart the course, and create as many new pathways as needed—pathways that are easy to find, easy to follow, and easy to understand.

We put people first

People shape everything we do —what, why, when, and how

We aim to deliver the human experience we all crave: true healthcare for humans. We listen, learn, and break away from the status quo. This means a system free from bullshit.

Put simply, we deliver health with more care.

Our journey has been full of twists, turns, and unexpected detours. We’ve had our share of laughter and tears, and at times, we’ve just held on for dear life. Yet, what has remained throughout is our belief that people should be able to choose health. We remain determined to make this a reality.


Meet our founders

Magma is the love child of our two pioneering founders, Simon Snook and David Bivona. Hailing from the UK and Italy respectively, they both found their way to the land of the long white cloud, and neither have ever looked back. Initially this journey started with a solo traveller, Simon. Frustrated by the convoluted pathway to vasectomy, in 2005 Simon started Snip. He thankfully didn’t have to venture too far on this expedition before meeting the cheese to his cracker, David, a very fresh Italian immigrant looking for work in vasectomies.

While Magma wasn’t officially created till 2015, Magma has existed since Simon and David first met. 

Two pioneers on a quest to create change in healthcare today.
